Great Eastern IPA – ABV 7.4%
This IPA has a malt-packed menu including Maris Otter, which is balanced by the dry bitterness of late hopping and the tropical juiciness of a paradise island.
Look: Similar to the colouring of the bottle’s label, this pours a lively hazy orange with a thin, just off-white head.
Nose: The aroma is driven by chinook, columbus and nugget hops to give tropical fruits: citrus, pineapple, grapefruit, with hints of pine and some background floral and fruity malt notes.
Taste: More complex than your average an IPA, as coconut joins the juicy tropical paradise party – dare I say I even detect a rum warmth in the alcoholic mouthfeel. Long, slightly dry bitter coating finish and intriguing earthy character.
Verdict: Just like my favorite type of Caribbean party, this leaves you with memories of tropical fruits and takes a long time to finish.