Tag Archive for: Stout

Obsidian – ABV 8.0%

Blueberry Stout – Deep, dark and complex… Chocolate, caramel and roasted grains play off the fruit to reveal a dessert-like character of a blueberry muffin.

Death by Disco – ABV 10.0%

Imperial Blueberry Sweet Stout

There is evil in the world, and then there’s disco.This beautiful sweet stout collab brewed with Cervesiam and Frontaal serves as a big tasty warning that , as George Santayana said: ” Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.

Deer Hunter – ABV 13.4%

Forget the terms subtle and tenderness, this Russian Imperial Stout is a stunner! Full in his aromas and with his 13.4% he comes in as a tank! Until he disappears in the night ..


Safe Stout – ABV 7.7%

This 7.7% Stout is packed full of Chokeberries which creates a complex mouthfeel of bitter-sweet sensation. The aroma comes off with hints of dark chocolate and playful tart fruit notes that create an interwoven full flavoured stout

Vintage Imperial Stout 750ml ABV 9.5%

Here we have the 2-year aged, Vintage Imperial Stout. Brewed in 2015 and carefully cellared, ELB Vintage Imperial Stout is darkly fruity with citrus top notes. Ideal for sharing, this sumptuous 9.5% stout is wonderful on its own and excellent as an after-dinner digestif. Beautifully presented in a black ceramic 750ml swing-top bottle with hand-finished tie-on labels, ELB Vintage Imperial Stout also makes a wonderful gift for beer-lovers. It’s unfined, so suitable for both vegetarians and vegans to enjoy.

Please note that ELB Imperial Stout is brewed with barley and wheat, which contain gluten.

Cherry Blackout Chocolate Cherry Stout – ABV 8%

If you’re looking to drink a chocolate cake this is as close as you’ll get. Fuggles and Phoenix hops wander through a Black Forest of cherries and chocolate.

Look: The beer pours jet black in the glass with a small tan head.

Taste: It has a velvety mouthfeel with cocoa, vanilla and the sweetness of dark cherries.

Food Pairing: This beer feels like a luxurious dessert in its own right, but adding a slice of black forest gateau will only serve to heighten the pleasure.

Verdict: If we had to sum up Cherry Blackout in one word? Sumptuous.Thankfully we aren’t bound by a one-word review limit but we’ll keep this short so we can spend more time drinking it.

Rook & Vuur (Smoke & Fire) – ABV 8.2%

Smoked malt and subtle hints of chilli with dark sugar the master brewers of Bodegraven. 

Look: Dark brown with a generous dark beige head.

Aroma: Sweet and smoky like marshmallows being toasted over a campfire.

Taste: Sweet brown sugar, roasted malts and oh so smoky, with a delicate chilli hit right at the end when you’d almost forgotten it was coming. 

Verdict: Like maple candied bacon with a hint of chilli, these flavours were born to be married together. Beautiful.

Temptation – ABV 10.0%

Temptation is a Russian Stout; a style that was exported to Imperial Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Crystal malt, amber malt, black malt and roast barley in generous quantities generate a deep black colour and flavours to match. Roast bitterness, coffee and liquorice notes combine in a velvety rich malt texture. A full and sweetish body is balanced by traditional Goldings hops.

Stout – ABV 7.4%

Surprisingly refreshing and amazingly full-bodied for a 7 percenter, with big warming roasted malts, stewed fruits and red berries, dark chocolate and toffee.

Look: The beer pours jet black in the glass, with lots of lacing and medium carbonation.

Aroma: Intense aromas of roasted malts and cereals, chocolate and hops invite you to dive in.

Taste: A lovely rich roasted flavour with red berries and good bitterness the hops to make this a very refreshing beer.

Food Pairing: Roasted malts work brilliantly with chocolate. Try it with a warm chocolate pudding for a sticky sweet and dark treat.

Basqueland Stout – ABV 8.0%

A collaboration with Basqueland Brewing Project. A scrumptious imperial stout bursting with notes of coffee and chocolate. A generous helping of oats and a hint of brown sugar makes this stout exceptionally smooth and gives it a sweet toffee-like finish.